JRW ESQ can be your commercial contract/supply chain specialist, your technology lawyer, your general go-to counsel and project manager or support your M&A transaction.

Primary service areas include:

Commercial Contracts
      • Sophisticated supply chain and distribution contracts and matters:
      • Manufacturing/Supply Agreements
      • Master/Framework Agreements
      • Vendor Agreements
      • Inventory Management Agreements
      • Transportation/Logistics Agreements
      • Distributor/Sales Agent Agreements
      • Intellectual Property Licensing Agreements
      • Material contracts of all types throughout the various stages of the supply chain, vendor and customer relationships, and commercial distribution/sale
      • International commercial agreements (experience in more than 35 countries)
      Corporate Counsel
            • Serving as an external corporate counsel and trusted advisor helping manage and meet business legal needs:
            • Advise boards, management and owners/founders on all manner of transactions and corporate and business matters, including governance matters, employment agreements, financings, commercial dispute management, internal misconduct, and most challenges facing business clients
            • Function as adviser and general business counsel, sorting through client needs and objectives and providing legal support or assisting in finding the right attorney for the job
            • Let JRW ESQ help determine how to staff and manage your legal needs
            technology law
                  • Technology-related legal and business needs, including development, procurement, security and sales
                  • SaaS Agreements
                  • Master Terms of Use and Contract Forms
                  • IT Hardware Sale Agreements
                  • Managed Services Agreements
                  • Software Distribution Agreements
                  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
                  • VC and Start-up Funding
                  M&A Consulting or
                  Project Management
                      • Leading or supporting M&A transactions or programs to preserve management time and focus on operations and integration:
                      • Outsource management of an M&A transaction or an M&A program to JRW ESQ to save internal resources and reduce strain and distraction for management/leadership
                      • Will take a hands-on role in appropriate transactions or function as a consultant/project manager and staff and manage outside firms or specialists, utilizing two decades of M&A experience

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